Sunday, May 29, 2016

Download Cheat Engine 6.5

Cheat Engine is an open-source tool whose sole purpose is to help you use tricks and cheats on your favorite video games, therefore allowing you to manipulate and change all sorts of parameters on them.

In order to use it correctly you have to run it before launching the game and leave it running in the background. Once it’s running, you select the game’s executable file which then gives you the option of editing some important variables, such as the number of lives, or any other modifiable parameter.

Now, not only are you able to use cheats in order to pass the game more quickly, you can also modify some important parameters in order to, for example, reduce your character’s life if you feel it’s a little too easy.

Using the program is not all that easy, which is why as soon as you run it the first time it gives you the option of getting a full tutorial that explains exactly what it is you need to do. You will, however, find already configured cheats for over a hundred games on its official website.

Cheat Engine is a very interesting application for avid games who will now be able to get the most out of their favorite games, especially the more difficult ones.

To download file click here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

VLC for Mac OS X

VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. 


Devices and Mac OS X version

VLC media player requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later. It runs on any 64bit Intel-based Mac. Previous devices are supported by older releases.
Note that the first generation of Intel-based Macs equipped with Core Solo or Core Duo processors is no longer supported.

Jailbreak iOS 9.3.1 / 9.3 Status Update

The passion within the jailbreak community was reignited with the surprise launch of the iOS 9.1 Pangu jailbreak in early March. Just like the original Pangu 9 jailbreak for iOS 9.0.x, this solution landed literally out of nowhere. Not that anyone is complaining. It’s all well and good having this Windows and Mac compatible tool for iOS 9.1, but it does raise the immediate question of “what’s the current state of an iOS 9.3.1 and 9.3 jailbreak?”.

Apple released iOS 9.3.1 to patch a bug related to how universal links worked in iOS after iOS 9.3 randomly started crashing devices whenever links were tapped in Safari and other apps. But now that we have iOS 9.3.1 available for download, is a jailbreak available or coming for it? Well from security perspective, not much has changed in iOS 9.3.1 compared to iOS 9.3. Apple’s security updates page doesn’t list any further changes for iOS 9.3.1 which means whatever vulnerabilities Apple patched in iOS 9.3 remains as is in iOS 9.3.1. So technically, if there’s an exploit out there which worked in iOS 9.3, it should work on iOS 9.3.1 as well.

Now those of you who follow our regular jailbreak updates closely will be aware that Italian developer Luca Tedesco has been involved in a lot of activity of late. That involvement included successfully jailbreaking and posting a video showing jailbreak iOS 9.3 on an iPhone shortly after Apple’s initial release of the first iOS 9.3 beta. The video evidence coming from the Italian shows that iOS 9.3 and possibly iOS 9.3.1 are both capable of being jailbroken. The problem though is that he has a number times made it clear that his exploit is private and he doesn’t plan to release it as a public jailbreak.

So where does that leave us? Chinese jailbreak teams Pangu and TaiG usually don’t provide any updates prior to a release. At least that is how it has been with their recent jailbreak releases. At this point in time with iOS 9.3.1 out and the latest Apple devices, iPhone SE and 9.7-inch iPad Pro available in stores, we can only hope that they have something cooking for jailbreak community and will release once it’s ready for primetime.

So then should you update to iOS 9.3.1? Well if you are on iOS 9.3, you probably should because iOS 9.3 has a nasty universal links bug and updating to 9.3.1 shouldn’t hurt your chances of jailbreaking in future as iOS 9.3 and 9.3.1 are essentially same from security perspective, as also explained earlier. If you are on iOS 9.2.1 though and care a lot about jailbreaking, you should probably stay there and wait for a potential jailbreak release. If there’s anything the recent release of iOS 9.1 jailbreak has shown us, it’s to stay on as low firmware version as possible and wait patiently for the next jailbreak release. Also, since iOS 9.2.1 is still being signed as of this writing, you can downgrade to it from iOS 9.3/9.3.1 now if you want to. Once the signing window is over, downgrading from iOS 9.3/9.3.1 to 9.2.1 will no longer be possible.

To recap, there is currently no public jailbreak available for iOS 9.2, 9.2.1, 9.3 and the latest iOS 9.3.1. Those of you who care about security and don’t want jailbreaks should update to the latest iOS 9.3.1. Those who don’t and want a jailbreak should stay or downgrade to iOS 9.2.1 and wait for the next jailbreak release. As always, we will keep bringing you latest updates on the jailbreak front as soon as we hear more on it. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Yoga can improve memory, reduce Alzheimer's risk

If you are trying to improve memory or offset the risk for developing memory loss or Alzheimer's disease, regular practice of yoga and meditation could be a simple, safe and low-cost solution to improving brain fitness, new research suggests.

The team found that a three-month course of Kundalini yoga and Kirtan Kriya meditation practice helped minimise the cognitive and emotional problems that often precede Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

Kirtan Kriya, which involves chanting, hand movements and visualisation of light, has been practiced for hundreds of years in India as a way to prevent cognitive decline in older adults.

Yoga and meditation was even more effective than the memory enhancement exercises that have been considered the gold standard for managing mild cognitive impairment, the findings showed.

"Memory training was comparable to yoga with meditation in terms of improving memory, but yoga provided a broader benefit than memory training because it also helped with mood, anxiety and coping skills," said the study's senior author Helen Lavretsky, professor at University of California, Los Angeles, US.

The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

The study of 25 participants, all over the age of 55, measured changes not just in behaviour but also in brain activity.

Eleven participants received one hour a week of memory enhancement training and spent 20 minutes a day performing memory exercises -- verbal and visual association and other practical strategies for improving memory, based on research-backed techniques.

The other 14 participants took a one-hour class once a week in Kundalini yoga and practiced 20 Kirtan Kriya meditation at home for 20 minutes each day. 

After 12 weeks, the researchers saw similar improvements among participants in both groups in verbal memory skills -- which come into play for remembering names and lists of words.
But those who had practiced yoga and meditation had better improvements than the other participants in visual-spatial memory skills, which come into play for recalling locations and navigating while walking or driving.

"Historically and anecdotally, yoga has been thought to be beneficial in ageing well, but this is the scientific demonstration of that benefit," lead author of the study Harris Eyre, doctoral candidate at University of Adelaide in Australia, said.

"We're converting historical wisdom into the high level of evidence required for doctors to recommend therapy to their patients," Eyre noted.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How to write first JavaScript Pragram

First JavaScript Program

These below steps helps you write your first JavaScript program.


  1. Open notepad by going to Start -> Programs -> Accessories-> Notepad OR go to Start -> Run -> Type notepad and press Enter.

  2. Type in the following code:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    alert("My first Javascript program!");
  3. Save the file as firstjavascript.html
    NOTE: Make sure that you give the file a .html extension and that you save it as type 'All Files', otherwise you will get plain text. 

  4. Open your web browser.

  5. Type into the web browsers location bar the absolute location of the directory where you saved your file along with the file name. For example, if you saved the file in C:\windows, type C:\windows\firstjavascript.html into the web browsers location bar.

  6. You should now see a blank document in your web browser which pops up an alert box that says "My first Javascript program!" in your web browser.


  1. Open nano and type in the following code:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    alert("My first Javascript program!");
  2. Save the file as firstjavascript.html

  3. Open your web browser.

  4. Type into the web browsers location bar the absolute location of the directory where you saved your file along with the file name. For example, if you saved the file in /home/user1/desktop, type /home/user1/desktop/firstjavascript.html into the web browsers location bar.

  5. You should now get the file in your web browser which displays a blank page and pops up an alert box that says "My first Javascript program". 

    Hope you enjoy writing your first JavaScript program.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Download WhatsApp for Desktop

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends.

In addition to basic messaging WhatsApp users can create groups, send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages.

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